CEA BG04 – Boiler Water Treatment Guide
This comprehensive guide deals with all aspects of water treatment for steam boilers, steam generators and hot water boilers. This document applies to industrial and commercial steam and hot water boiler plant, including steam generators, operating at a working pressure of between 0.5 and 32bar gauge (except where stated) and a working temperature between 110°C and 239°C. We trust that by studying the contents and following the freely given advice your boiler plant will operate safely and more efficiently, and provide you with a trouble-free system. Introduction Blowdown Systems, Guidance for Industrial Steam Boilers (Ref: BG03) is a guidance document intended to provide advice to designers, specifiers, manufacturers, installers and those responsible for the management and operation of steam plant as well as Competent Persons (CP). It is applicable to both new and existing installations of steam boilers and addresses the following issues: The safe discharge of blowdown from boilers; The safe use and operation of blowdown vessels; The safe use and operation of blowdown pits; Proper maintenance and inspection of blowdown vessels and pits including requirements for regular inspection by a Competent Person in accordance with the Written Scheme of Examination (WSE). Advice was previously provided by Health and Safety Executive Guidance Note PM60 Steam boiler blowdown systems 2nd edition 1998 which has been withdrawn. SCOPE This guidance applies to blowdown arrangements for steam boilers with a maximum evaporative capacity not exceeding 30 tonnes of steam per hour and working pressures not exceeding 32 bar gauge including water tube boilers with a single main blowdown line. The following are specifically excluded from the scope of this document: Water tube boilers with multiple blowdown circuits Blowdown tanks of non-circular cross-section Design and construction information for blowdown pits. Experience has shown that the state of repair and rate of deterioration are difficult to monitor, and serious undetected leaks have been known to undermine foundations. It is recommended that no new blowdown pits be constructed and a blowdown vessel shall be the preferred option.
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