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Since the last edition of this guide, in 1992, there has been a surge of interest in lighting the exterior environment – in particular, light pollution, energy use and long-term sustainability have become more pertinent than ever. In the 1990s, LEDs that could produce a functional amount of light were simply not available. This technology will continue to develop and there is a strong expectation that it will replace conventional light sources.
The aim of this guide is to reflect these changes and provide readers with a firm foundation from which to approach exterior lighting design. Since light source technology is advancing rapidly, the guide provides a holistic approach to the design of the exterior environment, rather than concentrating on product performance, which quickly becomes out of date.
One of the major differences between this current guide and the previous edition is the emphasis on environmental and energy issues. Digitally controlled lighting is becoming an increasingly important facet of lighting design. Another major difference is the growing use of solid state lighting (SSL). This normally refers to LEDs, although other SSL sources are being introduced

LG6: The exterior environment (2016)

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